View Full Version : Questions before I buy

02-25-2005, 05:04 PM
Hello everyone,

I have some questions that I'd like answered before I purchase vbulletin for my site, www.planetmonsterhunt.com

First of all, I currently use PHP-Nuke on the site, and due to security reasons I choose to use something else. I have so far looked into Post-Nuke and Vbulletin. Right now, Post-nuke seems to be the option I am going to take. However, I am concerned that since it is free, like PHP-Nuke, that it to is not very secure.

First of all, can I convert everything from PHP-Nuke to Vbulletin, using the Vbadvanced (I think that's the one) web portal system? That is, I need a download section for maps, forum section for discussions, news section for well the news, and other informative pages. They are called "modules" in PHP-Nuke, does Vbadvanced have something similar?

I am sorry if these questions are already answered somewhere, but I have no idea what I am lookin' for. So getting the answer is harder, that's why askin' I feel is a bit better.

Thanks for your time

02-28-2005, 12:41 PM

no need to be sorry about the questions it's pretty normal you want to know if something is going to meet your requirements before you buy it

vbadvanced is a free portal & content managment system to answer your question those thingy that is called "modules" in phpnuke that's in vbadvanced to but in a slightly different manner.From your admincp you can add modules (blocks that appaer on your portal) and you can add pages then you have something like

www.yoursite.com/portal.php?page=mycustompage you can modify this via your admincp .If you use a MySQL database then you can convert everything to vbulletin (you need shell access to your server) there is also a vbulletin download manager hack here somewhere .Ones you are licenced you can download the modules you want to use here and vbadvanced.com

02-28-2005, 08:33 PM
Thank you Delphiprogrammi,

Just one more question. How easy is it to change the styles/themes? I really like the old style, I think. Example is here: http://www.posdsm.com/forums/index.php?

Is this a custom theme, or is it included with vb? Will I have to pay more?

Thanks for your time

02-28-2005, 09:40 PM
Thank you Delphiprogrammi,

Just one more question. How easy is it to change the styles/themes? I really like the old style, I think. Example is here: http://www.posdsm.com/forums/index.php?

Is this a custom theme, or is it included with vb? Will I have to pay more?

Thanks for your time

in your admincp there is a page called "style manager" from there you can change templates edit /revert etc you can even add a new style if you wish.That default style (the old vbulletin layout) canbe download from vbulletin.com but you have to be licenced for this and no it will not cost extra the vbulletin licence is all you need to pay for.When you receie your logininfo enter your e-mail you used when you purchased vbulletin (wait upto one hour) after that you can download attachments here and on vbulletin.com

the old vbulletin style can be download here (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111141)

02-28-2005, 09:48 PM
You have been nothing but a great help. Thanks. I will be getting two licenses next month. :nervous:

03-01-2005, 06:01 AM
glad i could help