View Full Version : Still have xml request errors

02-24-2005, 07:07 PM
Is anyone still having problems with the FCKeditor? My paths seem right...everything else works fine except clicking the browse button during an image upload.

Read over the older threads, but never saw a real solution. Did I miss something? :rolleyes:

02-25-2005, 02:51 AM
What is the exact error you get ?
Please describe in greater detail :)

02-27-2005, 03:32 PM
When uploading an image via admincp I click on the "browse server button" and get the error:

xml request error: unknown 12152

My paths are correct. No matter what I change I can't get rid of this error. I know it was discussed in earlier threads, hopefully someone now has the answer to this?

Thanks for responding. :)

02-27-2005, 11:43 PM
It is a fixed issue, I had originally forgotten a style xml file in a prior release which prompted those error reports.

PM me with site info, I'll look into it for you.

03-02-2005, 04:49 PM
Thanks Cinq,
I have sent you my sites login info...thanks for your time. :)