View Full Version : Show off your vbArticles powered Article Sections here !

02-22-2005, 07:17 AM
So you think you've got the best looking articles section powered by vbArticles ?

Think you've got the largest vbArticles powered article section by most number of articles ?

Think you've got the most innovative implementation/use of a vbArticles powered section on your site ( recipe book, car manual etc. ) ?

Think you'd just like to show everyone your vbArticles powered article section even if answers to the above are 'no', just post your site links here anyways :D

Let's all have a look :D

All links should be of your vbArticles main page. All other links will be promptly removed.

02-22-2005, 08:14 AM

I'm first! Again! :)

The answers are all 'no', by the way. :)

Well, cept for the first one.

02-22-2005, 09:46 AM
I definately don't have the largest, but I just like the fact that its installed ;)


02-22-2005, 02:55 PM
Though I'm on the old one, I'll be upgrading soon.. ;)

here we go


02-22-2005, 02:58 PM
Oh man, I can't wait to "show off" what I've done with this hack.. :)

I won't have the "largest" until I get this sorted out:

02-27-2005, 01:38 AM
Ship Modeling Forum - Articles Section (http://shipmodeling.net/vb_forum/articles.php)
So far 37 articles. Don't know if our Articles section is the best, but our members like it and so do I. I've made a lot of edits. Mostly to the templates and one or two to articles.php. Any Admin that wants to see all of the changes I've made, contact me and I'll PM a test user account to you. As a guest, you really can't see all of my edits. The test account does have some limited functions, but you'll get the idea. Some of the changes:
1 - Added a articles navbar with dropdown menus for the categories, articles, and the stats.
2 - Created an author's list where the authors' names are bookmarked. The bookmarks are linked by $post[fieldxx] variables in the postbit, memberinfo and treadview member tools dropdown menus. If a member has submitted an article, the postfiield variable in their user profile is linked right to the author's list and to their articles.
3 - In stats view, linked the latest comment by a bookmark that takes you right to the last comment for that article (as of now, only works with one page articles, trying to work it out for multi paged ones).
4 - Added a dropdown text box for adding comments, with a pop up window for vbcodes and a spellcheck link at the bottom of the comment window.
5 - Reformatted the Article Options, Author's Profile, Rating, Similar Articles, Posted Comments templates (and a Members Options template) to a horizontal view (lineal).
6 - Reformatted the Article Index view for multi page articles (http://shipmodeling.net/vb_forum/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=3) with a "Return to the first" page link in the article pagination, and added a template conditional so that a one page article (http://shipmodeling.net/vb_forum/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=4) index doesn't show (look at the bottom of the article view).
7 - Added a bunch of collapse buttons to the template headers.
To do - Would like to add email notifications for the member contributed articles for new comments made on their article(s).
Almost forgot. Created an "Articles Archive (http://shipmodeling.net/forum/archives/index.html)" for plain text view. Much like the vbulletins Archiving.
That's about it. That's enough! Too many long nights editing. Need to get some sleep.
Great Mod cinq, Thank You.

02-27-2005, 11:22 AM
OK. Here's mine :




02-28-2005, 09:31 AM
Ok, I just put mine up and only have two articles, but so far it looks pretty good. Check back in a few weeks and we should have plenty of articles up.


03-02-2005, 12:01 PM
Well why not?

Ok here is our installation of this hack in version 2.x with 29 articles online (atm)


The Clanforums Network

03-02-2005, 03:43 PM
Well after doing some server stuff, I found out nePHP wouldn't work anymore. So I found this great hack. Intergrates so nicely I just had to give it a try. I've only got about 100 articles copied over so far. Still need to do some tweaking with the categories, and add some more features. But I like it, and some of the users has said they like it. See it for yourself at Tech Article (http://www.techsupportforum.com/articles.php)

03-07-2005, 11:57 AM

We have I believe 25 articles and v2 of the hack.


Integrated with VBAdvanced CMPS easily after a quick few template mods.

Awesome hack cinq.

03-10-2005, 02:08 AM
Not the coolest one around, but still a good one for our needs.



03-10-2005, 04:13 AM
<a href="http://driftchat.com/forum/articles.php" target="_blank">http://driftchat.com/forum/articles.php</a>

Just installed it

03-13-2005, 10:43 PM
I've just installed it and added some mod_rewrite hacks that work pretty nicely :D It isn't even in the forum directory, either, so things got pretty tricky!

03-16-2005, 07:45 AM
I upgraded to 2.0 and vb3.0.7 did a clean install last weekend on my site.


I plan to add more articles soon for my devs, but though I'd post new link for anyone that hasn't seen my setup :)

03-16-2005, 12:30 PM

Modified for Tutorials & Reviews.


Rick Sample
03-19-2005, 02:42 PM
Mine: http://www.muscle-mustangs.com/forums/articles.php

Not nearly finished, basically what I have done so far was just integrated it into my site so when people go to the articles, they think their still on the main site and not a portion of the forums. I still have to add some more categories, fix some tables, some links, etc before it opens publically. :)

03-23-2005, 04:47 AM

we link to individual articles via the main page: http://www.x5world.com/

the reason is that other sites linked to us for articles before our vbulletin and vbarticles install. to maintain their links, we kept each 'old' articles .html file in the root directory and redirect the html to appropriate article directly in the articles mod, to not break up these links to our site. new articles immediately get added through vbarticles, and do not have/need a legacy .html file to maintain the outside link. this forces new links to go directly to the appropriate article. moreso, wrapping the forum around the article causes outside viewers to register and join! another value added benefit!

also added a separate search the articles section to the main front page, and a drop down under search to search the articles as well

thanks for a great mod, cinq!

Ian Cunningham
03-23-2005, 06:08 PM
Very, very heavily modified version here : http://www.pcreview.co.uk

Blam Forumz
03-28-2005, 07:42 AM
http://www.blaminator.co.uk/forum/articles.php :( not many articles

Blue Moose Aaron
04-10-2005, 06:24 AM
Not too many articles, but that's because it just went live about 5 minutes ago. Great script, I'll send a little donation your way.


04-10-2005, 08:14 PM
<a href="http://thalforum.com/forums/articles.php" target="_blank">http://thalforum.com/forums/articles.php</a>

04-10-2005, 08:44 PM
Very, very heavily modified version here : http://www.pcreview.co.uk
Wow, that's so heavily modifed I thought it was your portal, rather than your articles section.

Hang on... ;)