View Full Version : Signature Cutoff... (Limit Dimensions not content)

02-18-2005, 05:39 AM
I used to frequently post at Gamespot forums, and their signature limitations are quite nice and effective.

Basically, the signature setting has two limitations:

1. Limit character length of signature (already built into vb)
2. Dimensions of signature as a whole are limited.

For example, you can put whatever you want in your signature, be it a 800x600 image.

But when you look at the forum post, the picture is there, but it is cutoff, because it does not lie within the limits. Same thing with the width.
This includes text as well.

This basically forces people to resize their signatures to the appropriate size if they want people to view them fully.

Does this kind of hack already exist? If not, is this hard to make?

Abe Babe
02-21-2005, 01:06 AM
I've been looking for something like this forever. Such a hack would be welcome on our forums, as we have a lot of members who tend to add too large images, and it's just a pain for our moderators to keep up with them all.

I did manage to fix the width issue by adding the overflow attribute into a div that displays the signature ::

<div style="width: 500px; overflow: hidden">$signature</div>

But that won't work for the length [which is now our biggest issue] because the div is a fixed amount, so adding a height would cause large gaps under user signatures that are small.

I saw it once on an Invisionfree board where it used javascript, but their example never worked. And my javascript knowledge is very limited to try to do it myself. I too hope that someone out there is interested in taking on this idea.

Abe Babe...

02-21-2005, 08:18 PM
Glad Im not the only one who thinks so. :)

03-03-2005, 04:55 PM
Seems to be in high-demand. There are already two other threads on this topic.. Which is kinda good exposure for the problem as I want to get rid of it as well :)