View Full Version : Forum Viewing..

02-16-2005, 12:03 PM
I have been through the forums here lookingh for a hack that would allow me to prevent new members from accessing some of the forums on my board until they have x number of posts.
When the x number of posts is reached then the forum becomes accessible to them but i cant seem to find anything.

Anyone have any ideas how to do this ??????

Guy G
02-16-2005, 12:08 PM
I have been through the forums here lookingh for a hack that would allow me to prevent new members from accessing some of the forums on my board until they have x number of posts.
When the x number of posts is reached then the forum becomes accessible to them but i cant seem to find anything.

Anyone have any ideas how to do this ??????
You can do that with promotions and usegroups permissions.