View Full Version : Attachment Hack Help please

02-07-2005, 08:34 AM
Hello All ,
In vBulletin RC3 we was use this hack to prevent members to download only after they post 5 posts
[edit attachment.php]
find $postid = verify_id('post', $attachmentinfo['postid']);
[Change It With]

$postid = verify_id('post', $attachmentinfo['postid']);

$foruminfo = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT thread.forumid, forum.password, thread.threadid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON (post.threadid = thread.threadid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum ON (thread.forumid = forum.forumid)
WHERE post.postid = $postid
$posts_needed_to_attachment = 5;

$post_diff = $posts_needed_to_attachment - $bbuserinfo[posts];

if($post_diff > 0) {
eval(print_standard_error('error_vbh_attachment')) ;

Now in vBulletin 3.04 3.05 3.06 We can't find "$postid = verify_id('post', $attachmentinfo['postid']);" So please can anyone tell me how to make this hack work with vB3.04 vB3.05 vB3.06 it's need a Hack's Programmer ..
Thanks you

02-13-2005, 09:25 AM
Please Help !!!

02-13-2005, 09:59 PM

If you talk about not leting members download attachments before thwy have posted x posts on your forum..

Then you can use the allready intergrated member group promotion..

Let say.. The start as Registered members..
This member group cannot download anything at your forum..

Then you set Membergroop promotion that when they have posted x post, they will be promoted into new member groop.

You can also decide in what category each groop can download or not

You will find every thing you need inside AdminCP

Usergroup->Usergroup Manager (set premissions who can download or not)

Usergroup->Forum Premission -> Deside per forum basis who group can download

Usergroup->Promotion (set up auto promotions so that members will atomaticly change group after they have posted x posts (where x is what you decide)

(All this is and maybe better explained is inside your vBuletin3 manual.. interesting reading)

02-27-2005, 04:05 PM
Hello ,
But there will be a problem if anyone get 5 posts he will upgraded after 1 hour !!! that the problem i need someone like this hack it's fast and more fine and stable .