View Full Version : Halfway done but, post specific mood avatars?

02-06-2005, 03:03 PM
just wondering if any of you requesters are interested in post specific mood avatars.

It's a bit hard to explain this without including the said screenshots but think of a livejournal mood icon and having that per comment on vbulletin :)

I need to learn more about what is efficient vbulletin/php/sql coding as well as get down the aesthetics. But I think with some help from the intelligent and giving coders that are on here, I will come up to speed.

Lastly, if the user has an image there is a query sent to a table called usermoods. I am looking to incorporate a queryless system that uses username written files to store and read from the url links. is this a viable solution or even worse?

Here are some screens and if you have any advice to give I'd love to hear it.
Thank you!

02-06-2005, 03:52 PM
This can be done by creating a custom profile field (and no queries)
you would upload mood images to images/mood/
and say for an example you had: happy.gif, sad.gif, ill.gif you would create a dropdown field with the values: "happy, sad, ill"
the field will bee called fieldX (eg: field28) and can be displayed using: $bbuserinfo[fieldX] ($bbuserinfo[field28])

so to display the image in the postbit add this to the template:
<if condition="$post[field28]">
<img src="images/mood/$post[field28].gif" alt="$post[field28]">
</if> ($post[field28] may need changing to whatever field number)

etc... simple way to do what you want...