View Full Version : Access to multiple sites via 1 registration

02-06-2005, 02:45 PM
Access to multiple sites via 1 registration..
I'm wondering if such a hack has been done?

For example, if user A registers at site BB .. they can also have access to site AA and site CC using the same user/pass info.


02-06-2005, 10:58 PM
Access to multiple sites via 1 registration..
I'm wondering if such a hack has been done?

For example, if user A registers at site BB .. they can also have access to site AA and site CC using the same user/pass info.

Thats possable if both sites use the same database or the webmaster sync's the two databases.

02-11-2005, 04:16 PM
Exactly what I am looking for as wel.. We want to use information from VB + login and stuff on the main site, which is non-vb related. My only concern is security.

So has anyone ever made something like that? Some guidelines would be great (especially because of the security stuff)

02-14-2005, 12:21 AM
The only thing I know related to this, has been done by the Drupal dev team some years ago. It's not your average hack. It's really big and would probably involve rewriting vB's authentication system.

Digma, that's another story. It's the same site, under the same domain, probably on the same db. A lot of software can use vB's member system but it's built the other way around, from 3rd party to vB and not from vB to 3rd party software.