View Full Version : Feedback Please - xboxsolution.com

02-06-2005, 03:30 AM
Hello all,

I've been a vb owner for almost 2 years now and never asked for feedback on my site, shame on me.

Anyhow, if you have time please take a looksee around, the forum is located at http://talk.xboxsolution.com we're using a pretty popular skin (yes, we paid to remove the copyright on it for the skin company) so I'm not too concerned about the graphics of it, unless of course you have some criticism or ideas that may make it better, feel free to let me know.

We've also just installed Photopost at http://talk.xboxsolution.com/gallery/ which I think turned out OK, still trying to get the members to grow keen on it though.

In addition, we had v3arcade installed up until vb3 went gold then when we upgraded we never got around to reinstalling it, but instead just recently tried doing the ibproarcade . . . unfortunately been having some problems getting this to display right in Internet Explorer, take a look at http://talk.xboxsolution.com/arcade.php . . . it just cuts off the right side for some reason, but looks fine in Mozilla Firebird, I'm at a loss on where to go to correct this. Any ideas?

Anyhow, thanks for the time, looking forward to your critique.

Oh, almost forgot the main site is http://www.xboxsolution.com - we're updating the main images on the front so it looks kinda plain but, we'll be back in shape soon.