View Full Version : Freeform Roleplay

02-01-2005, 10:17 PM
Site Name:- Freeform Rolelay

Short Site Description:- Roleplay, sims and interactive storytelling

URL:- http://freeformroleplay.com (http://freeformroleplay.com/)

Date of Launch:- 1st Feb 2005

VB version:- 3.0.6

Styles:- Metallix, Scarlett, Saville, Euphoria, vRocking (yes yes alltransverse styles except scarlet which is extreme pixels) - we are in the process of having custom designs done, but these are lovely skins to use in the meantime!

Hacks installed:- vbadvanced cms, Seperate Stickies&Announcments,css as file, message edit hierarchy hack, post bitstyles,MiserableUser, vB Journal& vBa side block for it, WOLspiderdiscriptionslists, Quick Account switch, Members who haveregisteredtoday, quickpm sending v2, vba Gallery, Users Online Today,TempletCopier. Inferno( RPG ). Warning Hack, vB3 Stats v3.0

Additional information:-
Okay, here it is. What we have aimed towards with this forum is tobring all those people who enjoy textbased roleplaying, sims andfreeform interactive storytelling under one roof.

FFRP opened its doors officially today, even though as yet the simsthemselves aren't running. What we are hoping to achieve by openingbefore being ready to run sims is to gather enough people together witha love of writing who would like to work with us to bring their ideasinto the public eye.

Currently we have settings for four different sims - StarTrek,StarWars, Stargate and one called Edge of Twilight, which has apost-apocolyptic setting on earth where the veil between our world andthat of myth and legend has worn thin thus bringing down the barrierbetween technology and magic.

So, if you are a person who loves to write and create interestingstories and adventures with others, come over and pay us a visit.Younever know, you just might like it

02-05-2005, 07:28 AM
Wow... how many styles does one site need?

02-05-2005, 08:32 AM
LOL one normally, but each sim has it's own skin and can't be selected as a user preference :)