View Full Version : force disable cookies, sessions are ok

01-24-2005, 04:29 AM

I am building a forum which may be used by some government agencies. They are very adverse to cookies. Is there any way that I can force the use of sessions, or at least disable anything being written to their hd?


Colin F
01-24-2005, 07:13 AM

I am building a forum which may be used by some government agencies. They are very adverse to cookies. Is there any way that I can force the use of sessions, or at least disable anything being written to their hd?

If I recall correctly, cookies will be used automatically.
If the users browser doesn't allow cookies, the sessionid will be added to any url strings.
I don't think you'll have any problems using vBulletin in it's default state, as it should allow for this, but you might want to ask on vBulletin.com if you need to be sure.