View Full Version : two forums

01-23-2005, 10:26 PM

I'm using another board system and I'm thinking in moving to vbulletin..

I was wondering if I will run two different vbulletin forums on my site...is it possible to make the registeration one for both forums?
I mean if a guest registered in any of these forum.. he will be registered to the other forum autmaticly and added to the other database..nothing more than this... posts and threads will be different if both forums..

I'm not requestion a hack.. just wondering if this possible..


01-23-2005, 10:49 PM
2 independant Boards sharing the same userbase is difficult to achieve.
There haven been a lot of requests for this, but at least I would be able to write a hack that does this (or at least it would be very complicated).

Furthermore, I think you would need 2 licenses to do so.

01-23-2005, 11:49 PM
It is possible with PhpBB: http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=55

Why not Vbb ?

01-24-2005, 01:35 AM
Well, in vBulletin the user table holds

User ID
Primary Usergroup
Secondary Usergroups
eMail-Address and Parent eMail-Address (if COPPA-User)
Style being used
Homapage URL
ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo IDs
User Titel
Join Date
Last Activity
Date/Time of last post
Number of Posts
Reputation Level
Various settings
ID of Avatar being used (if not custom)
Flag for showing "You've got a new PM Popup"
Language being used
Number of total and unread PMs

Now, if this table is shared between various installation with the methode posted above (which ist of course possible) there will be a lot of problems.
For example the post counter:
You make 1 post in board 1, but as board 2 uses the same table it will also show 1 post .

Or the Style. the User might chose to select style 1 on board 1 and style 2 on board 2 - this isn't possible.

And so on and so on ...

I've just take a look into phpBB user table, and found out that it holds similar information.
So similar problems will occur.

01-24-2005, 02:37 AM
It is possible with PhpBB: http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=55

Why not Vbb ?
psst its not vBB(its another board all together infact) ;) its vB

01-24-2005, 02:38 AM

I'm using another board system and I'm thinking in moving to vbulletin..

I was wondering if I will run two different vbulletin forums on my site...is it possible to make the registeration one for both forums?
I mean if a guest registered in any of these forum.. he will be registered to the other forum autmaticly and added to the other database..nothing more than this... posts and threads will be different if both forums..

I'm not requestion a hack.. just wondering if this possible..

Is it possible? Yes

I've done it several times in development.

However real world settings would be insane, I couldn't even imagine updating this. IT requires tons and tons and tons of file edits, so insane that a proper version would take at least 40~ mins doing the changes at least.

It would be better handled by another system altogether.

01-24-2005, 02:45 AM
so insane that a proper version would take at least 40~ mins doing the changes at least.

... if Lt. Cmdr. Data from USS Enterprise does that - maybe.

But for a human being I think it would take longer.

01-24-2005, 03:09 AM
It is possible with PhpBB: http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=55

Why not Vbb ?
It's possible but difficult. phpBB was likely designed with it in mind. vB was intended to have separate user tables for separate forums.

It's easier to modify one instance of vBulletin to appear to be two, but in most cases this also requires two licenses.

01-24-2005, 03:22 AM
It's possible but difficult. phpBB was likely designed with it in mind.
I doubt so.
From looking at phpbb_users scheme I can see that it holds similar information (post counter, last visit information, pm notofication popup flag, etc.) as vBulletin and thus will have the same problems.

01-24-2005, 03:22 AM
... if Lt. Cmdr. Data from USS Enterprise does that - maybe.

But for a human being I think it would take longer.
There are alot of things you can do to speed up the process like batch find and replaces in the code via use of a text editor that will do replaces in multiple files.

But you can't do that with everything

01-24-2005, 08:33 AM
Well, in vBulletin the user table holds
Now, if this table is shared between various installation with the methode posted above (which ist of course possible) there will be a lot of problems.
For example the post counter:
You make 1 post in board 1, but as board 2 uses the same table it will also show 1 post .

guys you got my idea wrong..
I'm not talking about sharing the user table between two forums..

what I meant is to modify register.php or any other neccassry files to add any registered user with his information to the other forum database..so the user won't have to register twice..and uses his same password / username in both forum..and then (posts - cookies - new options...) sure will be different..

so if the user registered in one of these forums.. he will have the same login information in the other forum..ofcourse until he changes one of them..

I hope you got the idea..

sorry for my bad english..

and thanks everyone for interest..

01-24-2005, 02:48 PM
Now this should not be that difficult.

01-24-2005, 03:07 PM
good to hear that from you.. I hope someone code a hack for that soon..would be useful for alot of us..

01-26-2005, 06:08 PM
...It's easier to modify one instance of vBulletin to appear to be two, but in most cases this also requires two licenses.

What do you mean by "to appear to be two" ?

I have already bought two licenses.

Steve F
03-27-2005, 12:25 PM
Tr1x that's an interesting idea you got there. I've been looking here and vbulletin forums for shared user database to get members signed up to my forums @ same time. Wonder if anything happened to this thing or just got forgotten like many of the similar requests.

03-27-2005, 01:30 PM
This is real easy to do, I have a script that converts all the vB scripts over to support unlimited forums with one database. I had the script working up 3.0.3, so maybe I need to make a few changes to support 3.0.7 but it would not take that long! How I did it was a assign each table a 'install' column that each forum install uses to access it's data, ie (users, styles, forums...). I also converted the MySQL only install, to support MySQL or Oracle or MSSQL.

I would release this but I am concern that people would abuse it, ie: use it to run many ilegal boards at once! Then there is copyright issue, where every script being changed would have to be released as I would never be able to explain the hundreds of edits that need to be done! I guess I could work around that and just give the (5) search and replace scripts that do the conversion!

Maybe I will ask over at VBulletin if they would mind if I release this over here or someone can answer this here!


Steve F
03-27-2005, 03:06 PM
That would be great thanks! - release and download maybe after license(s) checked?

03-27-2005, 09:30 PM
...but it would not take that long!


I have two licenses. Sell It like Hide kack at vbstyles.com!

06-01-2005, 08:50 PM
I have two licenses. Sell It like Hide kack at vbstyles.com!
is there any update on this as i am interested in it

RaZor Edge
06-23-2005, 01:16 PM
is there any update on this as i am interested in it

I am interested too!!!