View Full Version : NameDiscussion - Domain Name Discussion Forums

01-15-2005, 11:22 PM
Site Link: http://www.namediscussion.com/
Description: Discuss domain names with industry experts and newbies alike at the number #1 domain name forum on the Internet! Also buy and sell domains, services and other related products here.

Just made a number of changes. I've got a trader rating system in place, and also uCash/uShop integrated with PayPal. You can check out these new additions by the links below (as I haven't yet updated the navbar)

NameDiscussion Home (http://www.namediscussion.com/)
Trader Ratings (http://www.namediscussion.com/traderratings.php)
The Store (http://www.namediscussion.com/ushop.php)
FCredits Exchange (http://www.namediscussion.com/uexchange.php)

Let me know what you think!


01-15-2005, 11:33 PM
The theme/style looks like a professional site, which is good. :)

01-15-2005, 11:36 PM
:) I'm doing the navbar links as we speak to incorporate the links to trader rating system and so on, etc.

Thanks for your kind comments, is there anything you think I can improve upon? More importantly anything which may influence more users to join, as I have a lot of visitors, just not many members!

01-15-2005, 11:58 PM
Toolbar images completed - links are all working from navbar now.

01-16-2005, 12:55 AM
To make things easier on a user end, I would put a link to the forums in the navigation. :)
Edit: Nevermind, I didn't notice that it is indeed, just the message board..

01-16-2005, 09:38 AM
I will add a link to "home" just to make it easier in a short while then, thanks for your feedback KTBleeding - anyone else got anything to suggest?