View Full Version : need way to rebuild forum records from the forumcache

01-12-2005, 01:53 AM
The folks at vbulletin.com asked me to post this here so here goes...

apparently my forum records have been corrupted while my forumcache is fine. There is a way to rebuild the forumcache from the forum records, but not currently a way to rebuild the forum records from the forumcache.

Anyone got any clues? My site is working until I try to update a forum from the forum manager. When it rebuilds the cache, it's missing one category and 3 forums. If the rebuild isn't possible, is there a way I could capture these posts in the missing forums, go ahead and rebuild the cache and then re-create the missing forums and repopulate the missing posts?

Like I said, right now, everything is there, but I'm hamstrung on not being able to let my forumcache rebuild.

Anyone got any ideas?

01-12-2005, 01:57 AM
Hmm ...
I'd suggest you export your forum table as a sql-file, zip it up and attach it here.
Furthermore the forumcache would be necessary to see what's going wrong

01-12-2005, 12:56 PM
sure thing - I think the problem might be that the category that ends up missing is not showing up in my forum table. The other 'active' forums that are under that category do show up in the forum table. Perhaps it will be as easy as recreating that category in the forum table since there aren't any posts in it?

I'm attaching the forum table export and the text file of what was contained in the forumcache (the one that works).

The forumIDs that go missing after the re-cache are 41, 47, 26 and 12 along with the category that is missing from the forum table.

01-12-2005, 01:40 PM
Hmm, the only forum that seems to be missing from the database is Conversation and Fun.
Try to execute the following query:

(forumid, styleid, title, description, forumheader, forumfooter, displayorder, sponsorname, sponsorimg, sponsorurl, daysprune, newpostemail, newthreademail, parentid, parentlist, password, link, options, childlist)
VALUES ('11', '0', 'CONVERSATION AND FUN', '', '<script language=\'JavaScript\' type=\'text/javascript\'>
if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = \',\';
phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11);

document.write (\"<\" + \"script language=\'JavaScript\' type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'\");
document.write (\"http://www.rotojunkie.com/adserver/adjs.php?n=\" + phpAds_random);
document.write (\"&amp;what=zone:4&amp;target=_blank\");
document.write (\"&amp;exclude=\" + document.phpAds_used);
if (document.referer)
document.write (\"&amp;referer=\" + escape(document.referer));
document.write (\"\'><\" + \"/script>\");
</script><noscript><a href=\'http://www.rotojunkie.com/adserver/adclick.php?n=a1e915c6\' target=\'_blank\'><img src=\'http://www.rotojunkie.com/adserver/adview.php?what=zone:4&amp;n=a1e915c6\' border=\'0\' alt=\'\'></a></noscript>
', '', '4', 'Players Super Book', '3845dgy.gif', 'http://www.Players-SB.com/cgi-bin/affiliate.pl?aid=8939&sid=2', '30', '', '', '-1', '11,-1', '', '', '130755', '11,12,24,26,47,41,-1')

01-12-2005, 02:11 PM
problem fixed - thanks for the help.

01-12-2005, 06:39 PM
Fine :)
Btw: You should update PHP ASAP.