View Full Version : Colums on the left/right sde of forum. static through site.

01-10-2005, 04:53 AM
ok. working on a new forum project that currently looks like this:

Basically what i need is to be able to add links/banners/whatever down the left and right sides of the forum in the open space. these need to stay and be static through the entire forum.

Anyon got any ideas on how to perform this?

I posted in the service request for that I would pay for help on this. Please view my post there for my contact info.

Lee Wilde
01-10-2005, 05:41 AM
That is SO easy, you don't need to purchase anything. Just go to: http://www.vbadvanced.com - and download the vBadvanced CMPS.

Its designed specifically to integrate with vbulletin forums, they have support forums and some other cool features available to purchase, but the CMPS is free. VERY easy and customisable.

Lee Wilde

01-10-2005, 06:41 AM
vBadvanced wasn't exactly what I was looking for. But WhSox21 from this forum got ahold of me and had my forum updated to look exactly how i wanted it in what seemed liked a matter of minutes.

So problem solved! Thanks WhSox21!