01-08-2005, 04:26 AM
Name of your forum: NZB 3.0 (NZ Boards)
URL to your forum: http://www.nzboards.com
Description: Free, fun and easy...NZB provides a place for Kiwis (New Zealanders) and people from around the world to meet, chat, play games and be entertained.
Category (topic): General Discussion/Community
Start date: Nov 2003
Statistics (threads, posts, members, hits): Total Registrations: 281, Active Members: 275, Total Threads: 1,808, Total Posts: 13,188
Most users ever online was: 152 (October 4 2004 @ 12:18 PM).
Hits (this month so far): 68699
(Jan 2005) Threads: 2,214, Posts: 16,468, Members: 332
software version: vBulletin 3.0.5
Styles (default, 1 or more): Pixel Technica, Default with colour variations, vbnl Professional style.
Is registration required to view board? Nope.
Tell us more: Created almost a year ago and constantly evolving since, NZB is a fun place to go. We have recently upgraded to vBulletin 3.0.5 due to the security warnings, and have invested in a new style to mark the occasion of our one year anniversary.
In addition to the vB-powered forums, we have a Photopost Gallery, Flashchat Chatroom and free yourname@nzboards.com email addresses available to all members.
Why is your forum the best?: Because I strive to make it so every single day...and all that effort better be going toward something.
URL to your forum: http://www.nzboards.com
Description: Free, fun and easy...NZB provides a place for Kiwis (New Zealanders) and people from around the world to meet, chat, play games and be entertained.
Category (topic): General Discussion/Community
Start date: Nov 2003
Statistics (threads, posts, members, hits): Total Registrations: 281, Active Members: 275, Total Threads: 1,808, Total Posts: 13,188
Most users ever online was: 152 (October 4 2004 @ 12:18 PM).
Hits (this month so far): 68699
(Jan 2005) Threads: 2,214, Posts: 16,468, Members: 332
software version: vBulletin 3.0.5
Styles (default, 1 or more): Pixel Technica, Default with colour variations, vbnl Professional style.
Is registration required to view board? Nope.
Tell us more: Created almost a year ago and constantly evolving since, NZB is a fun place to go. We have recently upgraded to vBulletin 3.0.5 due to the security warnings, and have invested in a new style to mark the occasion of our one year anniversary.
In addition to the vB-powered forums, we have a Photopost Gallery, Flashchat Chatroom and free yourname@nzboards.com email addresses available to all members.
Why is your forum the best?: Because I strive to make it so every single day...and all that effort better be going toward something.