View Full Version : Can I "Force Sort" a specific forums threads?

01-03-2005, 06:13 PM
I have a forum section that is basically a list of titles that members review. I would like that forum section, and that forum section only, to automatically sort the threads in alphabetic order.

Is that possible?

Here is the forum section I am speaking of:


I know it can be manually sorted by selecting the THREAD icon, but it would be nice if it would do it as a default.



01-03-2005, 06:22 PM
you could try conditionals

ie, if forumid = whatever, then sort this way, etc.

01-03-2005, 10:54 PM
a quick and easy way to do this, isn't the best way mind you, its the easiest. create a new forum as a link forum using this link:


then set the display order to 0 for the orriginal forum.