View Full Version : Role Play System

12-25-2004, 11:21 PM
Roleplaying is a big part of my boards, and I'm new to vbulletin so I thought I would request a hack =).

It would be sort of similar to the existing article hack, but here goes.
Users can click on a link to "RolePlay" and then they see all the different role plays that have been created in forums.

Each roleplay automatically takes the text from the corresponding post in the forums, and outputs it into an article for users to view.

Main Forum RolePlay post --> Article Like View of Complete RolePlay

This would be awesome!

Thanks in Advance

12-26-2004, 01:24 PM
I think this hack could be amazing also have the People listed down the side who are all involved in the RP and their RP Profiles with all their background etc listed

12-26-2004, 03:43 PM
Yup that would be awesome!