05-28-2000, 11:11 PM
This technically isn't a vB hack. Come to think of it, it's not even really my hack either :) But it'll do until I finish poking at our new toy enough to come up with something a little meatier :)
You can see it up and running at http://www.underlight.com/VBB. I'm still in the middle of tweaking the templates, so please excuse the mess :p
<FORM NAME="systran" ACTION="http://translator.go.com/" METHOD=POST>
<input type="hidden" name="input_type" value="url">
<input type="hidden" name="url"
value="http://www.yoursite.com$REQUEST_URI" >
<FONT SIZE="0" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT,Verdana"><b>Translate this page from</b></font>
<OPTION VALUE="en_sp" selected> English to Spanish
<OPTION VALUE="en_fr"> English to French
<OPTION VALUE="en_ge"> English to German
<OPTION VALUE="en_it"> English to Italian
<OPTION VALUE="en_pt"> English to Portuguese
<OPTION VALUE=""> ===============
<OPTION VALUE="sp_en"> Spanish to English
<OPTION VALUE="fr_en"> French to English
<OPTION VALUE="ge_en"> German to English
<OPTION VALUE="it_en"> Italian to English
<OPTION VALUE="pt_en"> Portuguese to English
</SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Translate"><br>
<FONT SIZE="0" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT,Verdana">powered by</font><font
face=geneva,arial size=2> <a
Translation Software</a></font></form>
The $REQUEST_URI (note that's an upper-case i and not an L) tells the board to insert the variables used to call the page you're looking at, so it fills in all the options. That's about the only bit of this I came up with myself, the rest is a simple port of a previous UBB hack.
That's all there is to it. Nice and easy :)
[Edited by Moonwolf on 05-29-2000 at 09:28 AM]
You can see it up and running at http://www.underlight.com/VBB. I'm still in the middle of tweaking the templates, so please excuse the mess :p
<FORM NAME="systran" ACTION="http://translator.go.com/" METHOD=POST>
<input type="hidden" name="input_type" value="url">
<input type="hidden" name="url"
value="http://www.yoursite.com$REQUEST_URI" >
<FONT SIZE="0" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT,Verdana"><b>Translate this page from</b></font>
<OPTION VALUE="en_sp" selected> English to Spanish
<OPTION VALUE="en_fr"> English to French
<OPTION VALUE="en_ge"> English to German
<OPTION VALUE="en_it"> English to Italian
<OPTION VALUE="en_pt"> English to Portuguese
<OPTION VALUE=""> ===============
<OPTION VALUE="sp_en"> Spanish to English
<OPTION VALUE="fr_en"> French to English
<OPTION VALUE="ge_en"> German to English
<OPTION VALUE="it_en"> Italian to English
<OPTION VALUE="pt_en"> Portuguese to English
</SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Translate"><br>
<FONT SIZE="0" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT,Verdana">powered by</font><font
face=geneva,arial size=2> <a
Translation Software</a></font></form>
The $REQUEST_URI (note that's an upper-case i and not an L) tells the board to insert the variables used to call the page you're looking at, so it fills in all the options. That's about the only bit of this I came up with myself, the rest is a simple port of a previous UBB hack.
That's all there is to it. Nice and easy :)
[Edited by Moonwolf on 05-29-2000 at 09:28 AM]