View Full Version : Frames in Hack Installation

12-21-2004, 10:00 PM
I have installed a variety of hacks on my board, and have noticed that every script I have used has not had the admin cp menu frames in it, so I created this small if conditional for hackers to use to get those frames to appear during a hacks installation.

Just Add:
if (empty($_REQUEST['step'])) {

After including nessisary files(IE:Global.php) in the installer. Replace yourscript.php with the name of your script. This could be classified as a how to as well, but I thought it would work better at vb.org as a mini mod, because the info is more directed at hackers here. :pirate: This is my first modification, so go easy on me!

12-22-2004, 12:53 PM
they dont have them because theres no real need to have the menu when your installing a hack because most give you a link back to the admin cp anyway when your done running the installer.

also its not like your going be wanting to use the menu when installing a hack as stopping a install part way in to it to do something else then going back to the install will just give you no ends of probs due to a partly installed hack.

thats my view anyway.

12-22-2004, 09:50 PM
Plus you probably want to see the URL in the address bar so you know what step you are at, and know where to go to if something goes wrong. :)