View Full Version : Hiding the list of members online

12-21-2004, 10:03 PM
for a busy forum, the active user list is too long. And IMO it looks amateurish, anyway.
I want to display the number of users online, but remove the list of logged in members.
I know editing the FORUMHOME template would allow me to hide the active user list.
But I'm concerned that I might then be having an unnecessary database query.
Does the current $activeusers code in the index.php also get the number of logged in users? I'm guessing it does, though after 20 years of programming experience it still looks gobbldeygook to me!
So I'm thinking that I will need to have some query in there, but my SQL experience tells me that doing a SELECT COUNT will be easier on the database than SELECTing all the looged in users.
Can anyone help with a hack here, please?

Paul M
12-22-2004, 12:41 AM
Why do people worry about queries so much ?

Unless you have hundreds of thousands of online users then just remove the list from the forumhome template - the query only takes fractions of a second to run, you would never see the difference.

12-22-2004, 03:20 AM
Yes a single query will only take fractions of a second to run. But some people do have thousands of people online.
Granted we're not as big as www.avsforum.com (yet) with only 600 or 700 people online at any one time and about 7000 home page hits per day, but it's still good practise to make the code as efficient as possible to ensure the server is not wasting it's time and your money.