View Full Version : vBulletin Boardstatistic Version 3 (search help for translate)

12-20-2004, 06:04 AM
95% of my new vBulletin Boardstatistic Version 3 is finished.

Here some futures:

The new Boardstatistc Version 3
Detect vistor countries: 257
Detect Browserlanguages: 119
Detect Referer and Shortreferer (Domains)
Detect 17 different searchengines and log the keywords
Detect 291 Spider, Crawler and Searchrobots (work with the database of robots)
Detect Browser Plug Ins, resolutions, color depth, java and much more.
Show you all about the board (Topposters, most popular thread, threads without answers and many, many more)
Show all about the database (for example: show the attachment traffic and more)
More than 20 PopUps witch show more information
Found more about countries with Wikipedia (I have include a search function to the Wikimedia database)
Detect more then 50 different browser, more then 40 different os?s, WebService, and more then 20 WAP Browser
Make a systemcheck with the new Statistic (Show you all, what we can detect about your system)

a Live Demo your found here:


Now my little problem:
English is not my mother language. It?s very hard for me to translate this statistic in English.
The statistic is work with phrases. (will be imported in xml format).
All phrases are finished (not the phrases for the admincp).
Is there anybody whose want help me to translate them from german into other languages?

Would be really nicely


12-20-2004, 10:46 PM
very nice :)