View Full Version : A Small Avatar Hack 2.0 problem

01-27-2001, 08:41 PM

I recently installed the Avatar Hack 2.0 on vB 1.1.5. Everything works almost perfectly, except I ran into a small problem.

It deals with the new registration page. The problem is that nothing appears for the avatar feature. I have setup everything and I can't remember how many times I went back to the readme file. Everything else works, except this.

I edited all the templates that I was supposed to from the readme file. I have 10 avatars in the "images/avatars/0" folder that I want to appear on the registratoin page. I have the variable $avatar_profile in the "registeradult" and "registercoppa" templates but NOTHING appears, not even the paragraph that is in the "avatar_profile" template.

I even went and re-installed the script without any luck.

Please help me on this because our forums are scheduled to launch tomorrow.


Chris Roane

01-28-2001, 01:49 AM
I am sure someone could give me some advice on what could be the problem. I really don't want to delay the launch of the site.

Chris Roane

01-28-2001, 02:24 AM
I can't help you, but with the release of Vb2.0 only days away (week or two or so), you won't have to use the avatar hack because Vb2.0 has it already built in!

I would suggest launching without it, and then surprise your visitors with all these great features that vb2.0 is goign to have!

01-28-2001, 02:29 AM
Yeah, I know, but I want to get the hack all up now so if vB2 is delayed, I won't have a problem.

Thanks for your reply though.

Chris Roane

01-28-2001, 04:04 AM
Actually, nevermind.

I found out what was the problem. I found the wrong piece of code to post certain code above. Everything now works great!

Chris Roane