View Full Version : Add Tangible Items To uShop?

The Equivocate
12-15-2004, 01:54 AM
I want to be able to add custom, tangible items to uShop, such as shirts, CD's, etc. All it would have to be is an item in the shop, they click Buy but there is also a small field for them to enter any needed info such as shipping address, and then click buy, which sends me an email or a PM notifying me that a user has bought the item, and then I can handle it from there.

12-15-2004, 02:01 AM
I want to be able to add custom, tangible items to uShop, such as shirts, CD's, etc. All it would have to be is an item in the shop, they click Buy but there is also a small field for them to enter any needed info such as shipping address, and then click buy, which sends me an email or a PM notifying me that a user has bought the item, and then I can handle it from there.
Someone did add such a feature in the addons area