View Full Version : Auto Deleted Threads on a Per-Thread Basis

12-11-2004, 10:00 PM
This hack allows your staff to configure threads to soft-delete after X days on a per-thread basis. There is another hack that allows threads to be auto-closed on a per-forum basis.

This hack is in BETA. It is also not, what I would call an easy hack to install. It requires a bit of care in adjusting queries if you have other hacks installed.

Please note that as of now, I have taken the lazy way out and not used phrases. This hack, therefore, will stay in beta until I get the time to clean up things a bit.

Also note that, by design, threads are not marked to users that they will be autodeleted.

Please do not install this hack unless you have some coding ability and are willing to help find any bugs that may exist.

It requires that the is_member_of improvement hack be installed. That hack can be found here:

12-15-2004, 09:10 PM
Always wanted a mod like this. Thanks for sharing.


12-15-2004, 11:24 PM
I could use this in conjunction with the ArticleBot!

/me installs!

01-07-2005, 07:09 PM
I could use this in conjunction with the ArticleBot!

* JimpsEd installs!
if you got this to work with the bot, i'd love to know how. essentially all i need to know is how to make the bot select that option automatically.

also, does it only soft delete, or will it hard delete as well?

09-08-2005, 07:02 PM
i see your mode
Auto Deleted Threads on a Per-Thread Basis
very nice and i have a suggestion :devious:
that is can you upgrade it like " when user post a new topic, him must chosen an options ( options will be set by admin ) that topic will be closed or deleted after x day ( x day setup by admin - even can setup it "never exp )
did u understand ?
sorry for my english is rather poor
hope can understand it and enjoy
waiting u reply
( my vbb version 3.0.7) :ermm:

10-02-2005, 05:54 PM
op, thank for your support :P