View Full Version : Help!!

12-01-2004, 01:46 PM
whats the point of backing up the databses if i dont know how to backup my database i mean just recently i screwed the entire forum over lost 10 hacks and all that editing and template adding went down the drain....i want to restore all ym databases how would i do that?

Colin F
12-01-2004, 02:30 PM
whats the point of backing up the databses if i dont know how to backup my database i mean just recently i screwed the entire forum over lost 10 hacks and all that editing and template adding went down the drain....i want to restore all ym databases how would i do that?
Well isn't your post already the explanation for why one should backup databases? :)

Have a look at these pages for help: http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/moving_servers

12-01-2004, 04:06 PM
i turned to this place becuase its cool people usaully are helpful