View Full Version : PHPNuke+BFC_Weblog+Major Customization

01-24-2001, 11:36 AM
No one has mentioned NukeAddon.com!

They have a large number of mods and hacks for PHPNuke. It would be great to integrate them with BFC_Weblog+Nuke2vB!

Where can I download BFC_Weblog? Eternityproductions has disappeared!

Tell me what you think about NukeAddon.com


(P.S.- How come I cannot edit the thread title of a thread I just made but no one posted to yet? I want to correct the PHPNuke portion of the title to Nuke2vB.)

[Edited by Eugenie2000 on 01-24-2001 at 08:53 AM]

01-24-2001, 01:25 PM
I have contacted Paul Young who was the creator of BFC_WEBLOG and talked to him about further development.

He was excited that someone was still interested and asked me to make my new version available. So I present BFC_WEBLOG 1.3.

You can find it at:

This includes both versions 1.2 and 1.3. Instructions for 1.3 are in readme13.txt. This file also includes instructions for receiving support.

<edit>Fixed Spelling Error</edit>

[Edited by wluke on 01-24-2001 at 03:11 PM]

01-24-2001, 02:45 PM

Very cool! :)

01-24-2001, 03:50 PM
Thanks... I am presently working on integrating your enhancement of WebLog into my Nuke2vB integration, looking forward to v2.0 to make my preoject complete.

01-24-2001, 05:22 PM
This is going be super. :)
I will take a look at that site.

01-24-2001, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Eugenie2000
No one has mentioned NukeAddon.com!

They have a large number of mods and hacks for PHPNuke. It would be great to integrate them with BFC_Weblog+Nuke2vB!

The idea for Nuke2vB is that I wanted to be able to use the addon's along with vB, I have in fact included a couple of the addon 2.5 enhancements including his table structure and admin for the download and links integrations. Dark_Wisard is working on a improved version of the WebLinks that will be integrated with Nuke2vB as soon as it's done. http://www.purecrap.com/nuke2vb/showthread.php?threadid=48

01-25-2001, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by wluke
You can find it at:

This includes both versions 1.2 and 1.3. Instructions for 1.3 are in readme13.txt. This file also includes instructions for receiving support.

Unfortunately 'news13.php' is full of syntax errors and doesn't work at all. :(

01-25-2001, 11:30 AM
I agree....but I'm too busy working on some hacks to add to nuke2vb to really look at it....I posted a reply on vb.org so hopefully wluke will respond.

01-25-2001, 01:00 PM
Hmmm it is the same file that I am using at http://www.sitepointforums.com/new.php

I have re-uploaded the zip file with a small change to the code.

[Edited by wluke on 01-25-2001 at 10:13 AM]

01-25-2001, 02:01 PM
I'd just add ?> at the end of the script. :D

How would I split my news with a break? I mean:
I've got ie 4 news in my forum, I call news.php but it shows all news in one big table. I'd like to have it separate.
I've been playing with templates and code for an hour wo success.

A bit OT: Does anyone successfuly run BFC WebLog with Image Gallery Hack? As soon as I install BFC, ImgGal Hack stop to work properly. Or is there any other image upload hack available?

[Edited by PeF on 01-25-2001 at 11:03 AM]

01-25-2001, 03:36 PM
To break up the table just make sure that "Newsbit" contains a complete table and edit "news" accordingly i.e. close the tables before and after $newsbits.