View Full Version : A Few Questions

11-13-2004, 01:50 AM
I am currently using a heavily modded phpbb forum on my site (400+ members)

I'm thinking about upgrading to vbulletin, I have a few questions.

1. Is there a way to turn off Avatar & Image/Attachments uploading? I want users to either link to their avatars/images or use the avatars we upload.

2. Is there away to disable custom user titles?

3. Is there a way to limit image sizes in sigs, # of images in sigs & not allow urls in sigs?

4. Does vbulletin have a side bar option that will show the calendar & recent topics?

5. Can I have 2 different themes that use the same files, but use 2 different sets of color setting? (like css color settings ie. background & table colors)

11-13-2004, 03:43 AM
1. vBulletin has never had a hotlinking feature by default, but the second is possible by default

2. Defualt usergroup level permission setting

3. You can limit the number of images per post which should include sig images IIRC, but there are a few hacks that can accomplish what you want.

4. No, at least not by default.

5. None of vBulletin's sytles are stored in the file system all templates, and 99% of the rest of vBulletin settings are in the database. So the anwser is yes.