View Full Version : Can anyone solve this...

01-23-2001, 02:47 PM
I run at home on a cable modem that we share (4 pcs)
and if 2 of us access the board at once it will only show 1 of us listed in who's online.

It then goes back and forth as to who is listed depending on who accessed the page first.

Is this something that can be fixed? is it still a problem in 2.0?


01-23-2001, 04:22 PM
This has to do with how Sessions are handled by IP address. Since you are on a cable modem, all of you are most likely sharing the same IP and accessing the net through a gateway.

This problem has been fixed in 2.0 but I doubt it will be fixed in 1.1.5 due to its very limited session capabilities. Session handling was completely redone for 2.0.

01-23-2001, 10:34 PM
Ok thanks :)

I mainly wanted to know if it was fixed for 2.0