View Full Version : An RSS Poster

11-06-2004, 10:48 AM
I have looked at the rest of the RSS feed posters and none of em post the real message, the post a description etc... the RS file I am looking to close is


It posts the title, the link, and the article... I would like this posted on my Clans website as the game they play is madce by this company.

If one of RSS feeder hacks does this, please quide me to it, there are so many.

ALso if there isn't one some ideas would be to create one with settings, for instace, pull certain information from RSS feeds... The RSS I have does not have a decription but it has content, I could say pull and post only certail fields, that way it is not prespecified, and it more global for all rss feeds.

For instance I would like the post to look like


11-13-2004, 09:12 AM

James T Brock
11-13-2004, 01:09 PM
Search this forum for "article bot". The bot will post the entire RSS feed. If the RSS feed provides the entire article, the bot will post that, if it just provides a small desription..than that's what the bot will post.

11-13-2004, 03:10 PM
did you try article bot?