View Full Version : remove just email notification

11-04-2004, 08:42 PM
howdy, I wish to remove just email notification from my website. alot of my users have it on and don't like it.. plus the fact it is clogging up my sendmail. the option in the CP forces me to turn off many email features not just the specific one I wish. is there a way to switch all users to email notification off, or maybe something I can edit?


11-04-2004, 09:17 PM
providing you have your account set to enable you to run SQL queiries via the ACP ($canrunqueries in config.php) then go to ACP > Import and Maintenence > SQL Queries

Theres a drop down list in there. Select the one that says somthing about turning email notification off.

Click Go


Bob's your uncle.

11-04-2004, 09:28 PM
This will turn off all current notifications (eg. notifications for existing subscriptions), but not new ones.

IMHO the easisst way to turn of post notifications (or do you want pm notifications turned off as well?) would be to remove the two cron-scripts (digestdaily.php, digestweekly.php) and edit includes/functions_newpost.php: comment out

exec_send_notification($threadinfo['threadid'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $post['postid']);

But keep in mind that the GUI will still show the notification-options, so you might to remove them as well.

11-04-2004, 10:10 PM
This will turn off all current notifications (eg. notifications for existing subscriptions), but not new ones.

IMHO the easisst way to turn of post notifications (or do you want pm notifications turned off as well?) would be to remove the two cron-scripts (digestdaily.php, digestweekly.php) and edit includes/functions_newpost.php: comment out

exec_send_notification($threadinfo['threadid'], $bbuserinfo['userid'], $post['postid']);

But keep in mind that the GUI will still show the notification-options, so you might to remove them as well.
// thx peter

do I have to edit out the } below that line? just the one line commented out is fine?

thanks Kirby, good to see you as a mod now ;)

11-04-2004, 10:23 PM
Just that line should be enough, but you can of course comment out the whole if-statement.
To do that ou must start with if ($post[visible] ... and and with }