View Full Version : Glossary of terms system needed.

10-30-2004, 10:16 AM
I am after a system that allows you to enter in a Word (such as CPU) and a description of the word (such of what a CPU is/does etc). Kind of like a Glossary of terms.

They would have to be arranged in Alphabetical order and all terms starting with the letter "A" would be on one page, all terms that start with the letter "B" on another page etc, etc.

This would have to be intergrated with VB3 - so it uses the VB header and footer etc.

Has anyone got a system like this running already or interested in making one?

Thanks :)

10-30-2004, 09:00 PM
Dean C released a glossary some time ago, but took it down due to major bugs
AFAIK vbDHome has an integrated glossary
TWTCommish has got a glossary script for vB3, but it is also a bit buggered and not available for free <-- I bought this and modified it to work with my website