View Full Version : Display Random Threads on Forum Home of my chioce

Neutral Singh
10-25-2004, 04:32 AM

I am not talking about "Thread of the Day" mod. I searched for this mod but could not find one.

I have relatively a new forum with around 500 members and around 1000 threads. There are many important threads with inconclusive discussions, which are lost in heap of threads in the due course of time...

I am looking for a modification which allows me to dynamically pick up say 5 threads or whatever number of my choice and display them on the Forum Home like we do with 'Thread of the Day" Mod or "Quote of the Day" Mod.

Administrator should have the power to select those threads from any forum from adminCP.

My purpose for such a modification is that i want to rekindle some of the dead but important inconclusive discussions and make them easily available for new members.

Best Regards

10-25-2004, 08:04 AM
You want to select the thread via admincp or random ?

Neutral Singh
10-25-2004, 11:20 AM
You want to select the thread via admincp or random ?

Thanks for the reply.

Ideally, i would love to select these threads from my adminCP.

I would like to add a bit... in addition to showing those selected threads from adminCP on Forum Home, can the selected threads be shown under each forum/subforum separately towards the top of the screen ? This will allow me to reactivate x number of dead & buried threads from each forum/subforum and my Forum Home will also not get congested.

I gather that such an option can be incorporated under Forum Manager in adminCP so that there is text box available for each forum and administrator has only to enter the thread ids (separated by commas) to select those threads for that forum. I hope i made some sense.

I think this is turning out to be a major modification and i need such a mod pretty desparately.

Best Regards