View Full Version : Need to renew license, what do these mean?

10-21-2004, 08:30 PM
What do the following things mean, I think I know, but I want to be sure since cash is involved.

Support Contract Options
No Selection
Premium Telephone Support - 12 Months (+$300)
Premium Telephone Support - 6 Months (+$180)
Premium Telephone Support - 1 Month (+$60)

Is this just if I want telephone support? I will still be entitled to support in the forums correct?

License Renewal / Upgrade Options
No Selection
Extend members area access for one year (+$30)

Does this just mean access to the members section or is this the actual payment for renewing an older version of VB so that I can download the latst version of VB?

Extra License Options
No Selection
Order Branding Free Option (+$120)

Does this mean that I would be able to remove all signs that my forum was a VB based?

Thanks for info on these you can provide.

10-21-2004, 08:38 PM
1. yes, just if you want extra phone support
2. To access the members area AND download the newest vb version from there.
You are not allowed to upgrade if you not renew (IIRC)
3. Yes, but it's very ahrd, as the file structure is a sign as well ;)

10-22-2004, 01:18 AM
So if I wanted support via the forums and to download the latest version of VB would it only be the $30 charge?

I would be able to pay the $120 at a later date to remove the copyright notice if I wanted?

10-22-2004, 01:49 AM
So if I wanted support via the forums and to download the latest version of VB would it only be the $30 charge?

I would be able to pay the $120 at a later date to remove the copyright notice if I wanted?
No, support from vBulletin.org/vBulletin.com IS ALWAYS part of an owned license, and NEVER EVER EVER goes away (unless of course you do somthing you shouldnt be).

It is just to download updates.


10-22-2004, 05:05 AM