View Full Version : Newsfader Hack

01-21-2001, 12:45 PM
Has anyone resolved this yet? http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=4458

01-21-2001, 01:29 PM
if you check it on my site, I have it working fine

if you need any help let me know, but if you installed the hack correctly it should work fine, although I did not use the hack, I just did it myself.... and hell if I can do it :)

01-21-2001, 02:21 PM
The hack works fine...the issue is with using variables in the faderaddnews template. I want to welcome the newest member like you have and it comes up blank? The variable is $newusername. I tried everything I could to figure this out. I even rechecked the hack and everything is done correctly. I'm STUMPED!

Here is what I'm using, and it is the last line so the comma is eliminated:
"Welcome to our newest member, $newusername","member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$newuserid"

01-21-2001, 02:56 PM
I know about this but due to absence of time I still didn't make an update.

I'll take a look as soon as I finish my web pages.