View Full Version : Just a suggestion

10-11-2004, 12:44 AM
Like if i have 10 forums and 10 subforums on each and i want 5 Mods to mod those subforums, say 2 subforums to each mod then thats 50 times i have to add those Mods

Where if the forums and subforums were expanded on say Add Moderator page (Like IPB) with a yes/no box on each forum/subforum then all i have to do is type in the mods name in a box, or a dropdown box with the Mods name allready in it to select from and tick the box on every subforum i want them to Mod and they would be added to those subforums

If i want them to be added to all subforums under a forum then i just tick the box on the forum.

Anyone have any ideas on a Hack to do this for VB 3.0.3 ???

10-11-2004, 01:19 AM
Forums do inherit moderators.

A moderator added at the top filters down though all forums with the same permissions.

10-13-2004, 12:46 AM
Forums do inherit moderators.

A moderator added at the top filters down though all forums with the same permissions.

Hi Zak. I know they do but thats not what i am after :) It is much easier to add mods to forums in IPB than it is in VB.
I like the way IPB expands all the forums and subforums onto 1 page with a tick box on each forum and subforum to add the mod, instead of having to Add a Moderator to each subforum one at a time.

No doubt you know how IPB works and how the mods are added :):)

It would be nice to see the same feature in VB :)