View Full Version : Stop sending Thread Subscription emails if thread has more then 200 replay?

10-02-2004, 10:47 AM

how do i Stop sending Thread Subscription emails if thread has more then 200 replay? i know that vbulletin has amail queu system, but i was wondering how can stop sending any email about new post on theread if that thread have more then XXX replay.

i have posts on my forum with over 10000 replay :tired:
and exim is eating all my CPU and ram

10-02-2004, 11:30 PM
Perhaps a hack to unsuscribe for a thread after 200 replies also?

<not that I can do that either>

10-02-2004, 11:57 PM
can be done by putting a cron that will clean all subscriptions for all threads that have the delay of 200 posts on them when the count is hit...

this can be done in 5 minutes... (adding a count for the feature per forum and the cron job...)