View Full Version : Converting the Profile Picture with Avatar system

09-24-2004, 12:56 AM
Hi, this is not really a request, more like a service sharing...

i'd like someone to help or do the job on the Profile Picture system... it is strange to see that this picture is mostly the same logic than the avatar, but have not the same files system. i plan to make the hack for my personal uses, because i really don't like to have the profile pictures in the database:

:: profile picture would use the same files management than the avatars, so it save the picture the same way as the avatars... the only difference is that the user have no choice in a gallery...

so the system use the similar $vboptions[attachfile], so we have the directory structure to build, and the only difference between the avatar and the profile picture will be the name of the file... it will be located in the same directory structure, so easy to trace.

someone interested ?!

i don't know if i will release it if i'm the only one to work on this... the move is not complicated, and would be a great enhancement for some clients, but i think to use it for myself only... if someone play with the code, we share, we release it, no problem... ;)

01-18-2005, 03:48 AM
Did you work on this?
A lot of our members do have profile pictures and I think it could reduce server load if those weren't stored in the database.

01-22-2005, 09:22 PM
i did not work on this, as i was working on something too complicated to focus on other things..

i may come with something in the next weeks/months if i have a contract regarding such a feature, but it's not one of my points here.

this is quite easy btw.. using the avatar storage system on the profile picts... would not be complicated to simply duplicate the avatars stuff and use in on other ends.

01-22-2005, 09:36 PM
I know that it isn't compicated.
But before I start to do it myself I just wanted to know if somebody has already done it.
* Andreas is too lazy to reinvent the wheel ;)

01-22-2005, 10:00 PM
i'll be glad to help and test if you start on it... i just have no time to concentrate on codes right now...;)

01-24-2005, 05:30 PM
if its done .. i'l use the hack