09-22-2004, 08:20 AM
How to let the user decide how their birthday is displayed? Hi,
In your profile you can set your birthday:
Birth Date
If you enter your birth date using the controls provided here, other forum visitors will be able to see your birthday on the forum calendar and in your profile. Adding your year of birth is optional.
Month: Day: Year:
I run a website where it is important for members to see what age other members have. But it is also important that they have as much privacy as possible concerning their personal data.
The thing is that I would like to display their age in the postbit and profile, without revealing the actual date of birth. At the moment the age is displayed in the postbit and the actual date of birth is displayed in the profile.
Further, the actual date of birth is displayed in the Calendar.
--> What I would like to see is a userCP-option where the user can select if they want to display their actual date of birth or not. If they select 'Yes', nothing changes and VB acts like it does now. If they select 'No' then VB does NOT display their birthday inside the Calender (but it still does send out an birthday-email) en VB does NOT display the birtday inside the profile: instead it displays your age.
This way I can offer my memberbase a higher privacy-level, while preserving the functionality of the age-thing.
How can I achieve it?
Hiding the birthday on the profile page can probably be accomplished with a template conditional that checks the value of the User CP option. However, it looks like hiding it on the calendar will require some hacking. You should probably ask this on (
In your profile you can set your birthday:
Birth Date
If you enter your birth date using the controls provided here, other forum visitors will be able to see your birthday on the forum calendar and in your profile. Adding your year of birth is optional.
Month: Day: Year:
I run a website where it is important for members to see what age other members have. But it is also important that they have as much privacy as possible concerning their personal data.
The thing is that I would like to display their age in the postbit and profile, without revealing the actual date of birth. At the moment the age is displayed in the postbit and the actual date of birth is displayed in the profile.
Further, the actual date of birth is displayed in the Calendar.
--> What I would like to see is a userCP-option where the user can select if they want to display their actual date of birth or not. If they select 'Yes', nothing changes and VB acts like it does now. If they select 'No' then VB does NOT display their birthday inside the Calender (but it still does send out an birthday-email) en VB does NOT display the birtday inside the profile: instead it displays your age.
This way I can offer my memberbase a higher privacy-level, while preserving the functionality of the age-thing.
How can I achieve it?
Hiding the birthday on the profile page can probably be accomplished with a template conditional that checks the value of the User CP option. However, it looks like hiding it on the calendar will require some hacking. You should probably ask this on (