View Full Version : Members in live-chat

09-15-2004, 05:53 AM
Hi Guys,
Hopefully this is the right place to put this request.
My forum currently has vBXirc 2.5.2 and I was wondering if there was any code (HTML or similar) that I could put onto my site so that it said something similar to: ?There are currently X Member(s) in Live-chat? (replace X with a number) ?
Here?s my current site and I?d locate the text (http://www.fordaustraliaforums.com/forum/index.php?) and I?d locate the text just under the advertisement.

Thanks in advance! :)

09-28-2004, 12:02 AM
How did you manage to combine vBXirc with the Who's in Chat hack ? I see that on the bottom of your page.