View Full Version : Two recommendations for the vBulletin.org Forums

09-01-2004, 11:32 AM
I have two recommendations for the vBulletin.org forums that I would really like to see implemented:

1. Enable Boolean Full Text Searching.

Not being able to search for phrases, or use Boolean operators makes it particularly difficult to search for information on this board. vBulletin.com has enabled it, so I wouldn't think that it should be so difficult for vBulletin.org to do so as well. :)

2. Fix the Whitespace Stripping bug!


vBulletin.com implemented this shortly after I reported it - it's what causes blank lines to be stripped out after {/QUOTE} tags. Right now, every time I Preview a post I'm working on, I lose another blank line after each one of my {/QUOTE} tags. It's really annoying, and it has such a simple fix:

Comment out lines 206 and 211 of functions_wysiwyg.php.

They're the two lines with this comment in them:
// kill extra whitespace after a {/quote} tag

If these two changes were implemented, it would make the vB.org experience much better for everyone, in my opinion. :)