View Full Version : (All in One) User Sig Rules Enforcer

08-29-2004, 09:30 PM
Since there are so many sites with fixed width forum styles, or in my case just too many members, it would be nice to have a user sig "rules enforcer" of the sort that can handle the following:

Set maximum image height and width dimensions
Set maximum number of text characters
Set maximum weight limit (IE - image filesize)
Set maximum number of sig images
Set denied URL's to accept image hotlinks from (IE - Geocities)
I know the first two have been covered in this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60354&highlight=sig+image) hack, however I have not seen ones for the last 3. In particular, the last one would be excellent to stop the horrible red "x" from people trying to use Geocities as their sig image host.

Just feeling out if this hack is possible, and if so I might consider throwing a few bucks towards the author. :ninja:

08-29-2004, 09:51 PM
try the SigHosting (http://www.vbhacks.us/forum/showthread.php?t=107) hack for the last 3... so your requests are fullfilled for free... btw, that hack is for external uses of the image url, but i plan myself to have a different version of that hack to simply upload and manage them as the actual system, instead of a different image..

08-29-2004, 11:03 PM
try the SigHosting (http://www.vbhacks.us/forum/showthread.php?t=107) hack for the last 3... so your requests are fullfilled for free... btw, that hack is for external uses of the image url, but i plan myself to have a different version of that hack to simply upload and manage them as the actual system, instead of a different image..
Well actually I think that would take care of all 5. Since it appears that it only allows 1 sig image (#4), and I'm certain my members would prefer uploading to my site than Geocities (#5). What exactly would your personal changes do from the original?

08-29-2004, 11:44 PM
no real modification, i'm always adding features from tools i use,... i would probably merge ALL the possible hacks related to sigs...

08-30-2004, 12:04 AM
Well what other hacks am I missing related to sig images?