View Full Version : Admin user notes

08-18-2004, 09:43 PM

I have looked, but not found, a hack to add a field to user info in admin panel so that I can write private comments about a user, that way remembering who has been good and bad.

Anybody know of a hack like this or anybody want to make one?

08-18-2004, 09:58 PM
The current user notes feature was made for this specific purpose.

08-19-2004, 05:44 AM
The current user notes feature was made for this specific purpose.
Yes, I know, but we are using this function for moderators and senior members.

What I need is a field only accessible in admincp, when looking up a user, maybe in the "join date" section. It is only me, the admin, that should be able to see this field as the information is very private :)

I know that it would mean adding an exstra field in users in the sql and then adding it to the admincp but I can't do that myself :(