View Full Version : Thread in one forum, with links to thread in other forums

08-12-2004, 11:52 PM
I have not seen this around yet, so I figured I'd ask.

What I need is a gameday thread, as I run a sports message board community. What this would do is create a thread that is put in one forum (A General Discussion board, for example) with links to that thread set up on the forums of the teams playing in the game.

Example: The Minnesota Vikings and Green Bay Packers are playing a game. On the day of the game, a thread is created in General NFL Discussion, and a sticky of some sort is made in both the Vikings and Packers forums that redirects the user to the gameday thread in General NFL Discussion.

Hopefully this makes sense. I could do this for several games manually, but the process could get time-consuming, so I would like to see if there is a mod for this, or if someone wants to undertake this task.

08-13-2004, 10:02 AM
You could use redirections I think

08-13-2004, 02:10 PM
That's what I'm doing right now. However, at the rate this forum is going, we're going to end up doing this for about 40-50 threads a day. If there was something that made this a little quicker, it would make things a lot easier on the other admins and supermods at my site.

08-13-2004, 03:16 PM
With php, you can add a forumlist when you post a thread in a forum and you have to choose the forum where you want the links and it' will automaticaly add a link !

You can request a hack or code yourself

08-13-2004, 05:01 PM
After thinking about it a little more, I may have a better way to do it by going through the announcements. I will look into seeing if there is a way to put one announcement into two different forums (As in not parent/child forums, and not in all forums) without having to make two announcements for it. If anyone else can think of a way to do this, I'd like to hear it.