View Full Version : Show full size images instead of thumbnails

08-11-2004, 12:41 AM
I'd like a version of "showthread" that ignores the fact that the forum uses thumbnails and instead shows the full size images inline.

I'd name it something different, and provide a button the user can click and then they'd see the full size images, in the thread, just as you do when you turn off the thumbnails. Why not just turn the thumbnails off? I want to provide both options. (half my user love 'em, the other half hate 'em...)

I think this would be fairly easy, just get rid of the part of showthread that checks for thumbnails and have it display the full size images, whether thumbs exist or not, just like it does when you turn them off in the admin panel. Unfortunately for me, so far my attempts to modify the code have caused the code to break.

Once I have the alternative version, I've got an idea of how I'm going to intergrate it, so all I need is the modified showthread code.

08-11-2004, 03:45 AM
Ok, here's a very kludgy version of what I want...

Go to this thread:

Note the "View this page with full size images" link at the top of the thread. Click that, and you see the same thread, with full size images.

Here's what I did. Created a new version of showthread. Hacked the code a bit to trick it into thinking there were no thumbnails.

Changed the template postbit_attachment to be the same as postbit_attachmentimage. I'm not sure why I had to do that, and I don't know if the change will break anything else. I'd prefer to do it the right way, but I couldn't figure out how to make it display the images inline...

I'd also like to hack it so the next page links work, now they just go to the regular showthread link and also I'd like to remove all reply/edit/quickreply links too, all I want folks to be able to do in this window is to view the thread, that way they always default to thumbnails.

OK, that's the idea, anyone interested in making it better?