View Full Version : Show changed forums at top of main forum page (vb.org mockups)

08-06-2004, 09:58 PM
Has anyone done a mod to list forums on the main forum page, index.php, so that forums with changes are listed first or only changed forums are listed period?

It should not be that hard, since all one would need to is re-order $iforumcache before calling construct_forum_bit. Hmmm.. may have to call construct_forum_bit twice, once for new and then again for unchanged.


08-06-2004, 10:40 PM
Here's a mockup of what I had in mind. The alignment is faked, since I did not actually produce this output (duh! :)), just messed with some graphics.

The first gif shows the user selectable options (remembered in cookie from visit to visit) I was thinking of, then a mockup of what the page would look like if the user selected the options as show on the menu mockup gif.

The user-selectable option to not show descriptions would allow for significantly more forums to be listed in a smaller space, on sites with many forums. It doesn't show so well in this mockup since I intentionally used a narrow screenshot to limit attachment size. For users with wider screens, the affect would be to take quite a small space for each forum.

(ps: This option would just temporarily override the AdminCP option "$vboptions['showforumdescription'])", requiring no code change to construct_forum_bit.)