View Full Version : need some help: Force (only) hybrid mode...

08-06-2004, 08:57 PM
Hey all,
I want to know how can I force hybrid mode (like the linear only in the adminCp, I need the hybrid only).

I know I can't do this with the admin cp or something and that it isn't enabled in the original VB3, but I would like to know how to do this....
I have no problems with PHP and all the vb stuff, and if someone can help me with that (maby what files I need to change, and how to change them...) I'd thank your response.
I really need this for a new "hack" I build... this is the last part for this "hack" :)

Lots of thanks, Dekel

08-11-2004, 12:06 PM
someone knows ?

thanks, Dekel

08-11-2004, 12:41 PM
Which are you after?
1. You want your users never to be presented with a choice so that they get the default from AdminCP?
2. You want showthread to always display hybrid mode regardless of any settings?
3. You want showthread to sometimes use hybrid mode depending on whether your hack is running (versus normal viewing of threads)?

08-13-2004, 12:12 PM
Which are you after?
1. You want your users never to be presented with a choice so that they get the default from AdminCP?
2. You want showthread to always display hybrid mode regardless of any settings?
3. You want showthread to sometimes use hybrid mode depending on whether your hack is running (versus normal viewing of threads)?
thanks for your reply :)
i guess i need the 2nd. i dont want users to be able to mess with the "mode" options, i need them to view the showthread ALLWAYS in hybrid mode.
i build some hack (and it works great) just wanted to know if someone alreay did it, so i can check if i did mine correctly. if no one did it, i can publish mine (if someone need it) only that i dont know where to publish it :)
