08-04-2004, 07:16 PM
We have a list of usergroups and they imported well. The ID's are ordered: 9 being the lowest 20 the highest. The higher the number, the more permissions. This sytem makes administration easier and it allows easier conditions in case of hacks: if (userID > 12) instead of something like if (userID = 9 or User ID =15 or .. or .. or).
vBul already has default groups. In Ikonboard you could easily delete the built in groups and configure which ID's were going to be the default group. I can't find it in vBul.
I want to use my own system of usergroups and delete the/all Default ones.
Will be easier to administrate users, forum permissions and be of help with hacks.
Where can I set which ID is admin, which is moderator, which is awaiting authorisation and which is a registered member? The other levels can remain custom.
We have a list of usergroups and they imported well. The ID's are ordered: 9 being the lowest 20 the highest. The higher the number, the more permissions. This sytem makes administration easier and it allows easier conditions in case of hacks: if (userID > 12) instead of something like if (userID = 9 or User ID =15 or .. or .. or).
vBul already has default groups. In Ikonboard you could easily delete the built in groups and configure which ID's were going to be the default group. I can't find it in vBul.
I want to use my own system of usergroups and delete the/all Default ones.
Will be easier to administrate users, forum permissions and be of help with hacks.
Where can I set which ID is admin, which is moderator, which is awaiting authorisation and which is a registered member? The other levels can remain custom.