View Full Version : Remove Default usergroups.

08-04-2004, 07:16 PM

We have a list of usergroups and they imported well. The ID's are ordered: 9 being the lowest 20 the highest. The higher the number, the more permissions. This sytem makes administration easier and it allows easier conditions in case of hacks: if (userID > 12) instead of something like if (userID = 9 or User ID =15 or .. or .. or).

vBul already has default groups. In Ikonboard you could easily delete the built in groups and configure which ID's were going to be the default group. I can't find it in vBul.

I want to use my own system of usergroups and delete the/all Default ones.
Will be easier to administrate users, forum permissions and be of help with hacks.

Where can I set which ID is admin, which is moderator, which is awaiting authorisation and which is a registered member? The other levels can remain custom.

Colin F
08-05-2004, 05:47 PM
that's not a great idea, as the usergroupids are hardcoded....

so it'll say if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) { } if it's an admin function.
And it'll put your newly registered users automatically into group 3 (or whatever...)

08-05-2004, 07:37 PM
i highly protest such an act since most of the admin configurations and usergroup code depends on the default usergroups. i see no point in changing the id's>_>

08-05-2004, 11:52 PM
i highly protest such an act since most of the admin configurations and usergroup code depends on the default usergroups. i see no point in changing the id's>_>

I feared such a thing. There's something to say for hardcoding it, but flexibility is nice too. I'll use the default groups then.

I didn't see the point either and the ID's were as unsorted as they are in vb. Until I wanted some small edits and found myself writing huge if() switches. I could have added a whole new tinyint database field, but sorting the ID's was almost always a solution as conditions were < or >. Why add fields to the tables when you can use what you already have?