View Full Version : Watermarking the Attachments

Lord Brar
08-04-2004, 12:13 AM
Well , I read about there being a hack for vB 2 which watermarks the attachmant ( never saw it but read it as a reference )!

Well , anything that exists like this for vB 3 or anyone working on it ?

08-05-2004, 03:19 PM
Well , I read about there being a hack for vB 2 which watermarks the attachmant ( never saw it but read it as a reference )!

Well , anything that exists like this for vB 3 or anyone working on it ?
I am very interested to know about this :)

Lord Brar
08-06-2004, 02:47 AM
Anyone who can do it!!! I have some saved pages from the old Coppermine Forums where they discussed the aspects of doing it technically. I will try to find them at the new forums otherwise If anone wants I can even show those pages ( since they are no longer available! )...