View Full Version : Prune Users in Control pannel

01-14-2001, 04:57 PM
Can you add a control panel options to delete all users that have not posted anything since X day, or before xdays, or has 0 posts.

Also add a checkbox next to all users when doing a search and a mass delete finction to delete all users found with less than x amount of posts etc. ?

I have seen the other older thread on this subject, but its not nearly what I need.

I have about 6000 members to delete and its a real pain to delete them each manually...

Version we have is 1.1.4

Thanx in advance.

[Edited by Yedi on 01-14-2001 at 01:59 PM]

01-17-2001, 09:41 PM
$20 via PayPal for the first to come up with this hack, in full working condition and Demo...